
Re: [Networker] Disabling scheduled/manual backups and recovers?

2004-01-28 15:17:04
Subject: Re: [Networker] Disabling scheduled/manual backups and recovers?
From: Tim Mooney <mooney AT DOGBERT.CC.NDSU.NODAK DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 14:16:52 -0600
In regard to: [Networker] Disabling scheduled/manual backups and recovers?,...:

>A thing that struck me while taking a bath this morning is that I don't
>know of a convenient way to disable all scheduled groups from starting

If you use NetWorker's scheduling, the only way to do it would be to
update the "Autostart"  entry for the Group, changing it from "Enabled"
to "Disabled".  This could easily be scripted with nsradmin.  If you have
some groups extant that are not autostarted via NetWorker's internal
scheduling methods, you would have to code those exceptions into your
script that re-enables Autostart of the other groups, after your
maintenance event has passed.

> and if there is a way to prevent manual backups/recovers as

Manual backups is a "server wide" feature, at least in 6.x.  Manual
backups are either allowed for all clients, or disallowed for all clients.
This is something that's an irritation for me, but that's not relevant
to your question.

Manual backups can also easily be disabled (or enabled) via a scripted
nsradmin.  It's the "Manual saves" entry in the networker GUI,
Server->Server Setup area.

restores are another issue.  I'm not aware of any configuration option
in NetWorker that can be used to disable the ability for a client to
request a restore.

You don't mention what host you're on, but one way to prevent manual
backups and restores would be to enable a firewall on the host, and drop
in rules so that your clients can't get to your server.  If your server is
Linux-based, you have ipchains and iptables "for free", and turning on
the firewall and dropping some rules into place is pretty easy.  Firewalls
for other server platforms might be more costly or require more work.

Tim Mooney                              mooney AT DOT edu
Information Technology Services         (701) 231-1076 (Voice)
Room 242-J6, IACC Building              (701) 231-8541 (Fax)
North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105-5164

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