
Re: [Networker] saveset Full dump query using mminfo or ???

2002-11-22 02:42:26
Subject: Re: [Networker] saveset Full dump query using mminfo or ???
From: George Scott <George.Scott AT ITS.MONASH.EDU DOT AU>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 18:42:19 +1100

> I wrote a
> script recently to list the most recent instance of every save set in the
> media DB.

This is my version of much the same thing:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# last_full - Generate a list of all active full save sets
# Output format is (fields are tab separated):
#  <savetime> <megabytes> <number_files> <client> <name>
# This can be sorted to good effect with: "sort +0n +3".
# The algorithm used seems to be more complicated than you would first
# imagine.  The first thing we do is get a list of all active save sets,
# where "active" is "seen in the last 3 weeks".  It is only these save
# sets that we are interested in.  This gets rid of those cients that
# died years ago, but still have save sets on tape.  It also lets us see
# those clients that still exist, but have not done a full for a very
# long time (we are particularly interested in these...).

# May 2001, written by George Scott, Monash University
#       (converted from a previous shell script)
# Aug 2002, modified to work with NSR 6
#       (slight change to mminfo output format)

# Get a list of all active save sets

$q = 'pssid=0';
$r = 'client,name';
$t = '3 weeks ago';

# Would be quicker to use unsorted here, but that is not an option...
$r =~ s/,/,newline,/g;
push @cmd1, "mminfo -t '$t' -q '$q' -r '$r'";

open CMD, "@cmd1|" or die "Can't run @cmd1: $!\n";;

$skip_header = 1;
while (<CMD>) {
        $_ =~ s/^\s+//; # strip leading spaces


        $client = $_    if $field==1;
        $name = $_      if $field==2;

        next if $field < 2;

        $field = 0;

        if( $skip_header ) {
                $skip_header = 0;

        $i = $client . ':' . $name;
        $active{$i} = 1;

close CMD;

# Gather information about the latest full of each save set

$q = '!incomplete,!ssrecycle,!recoverable,level=full';
$r = 'ssid,pssid,savetime,client,totalsize,nfiles,name';

$r =~ s/,/,newline,/g;
push @cmd2, "mminfo -q '$q' -r '$r' -ot";

open CMD, "@cmd2|" or die "Can't run @cmd2: $!\n";;

$skip_header = 1;
while (<CMD>) {
        $_ =~ s/^\s+//; # strip leading spaces


        $ssid = $_      if $field==1;
        $pssid = $_     if $field==2;
        $savetime = $_  if $field==3;
        $client = $_    if $field==4;
        $totalsize = $_ if $field==5;
        $nfiles = $_    if $field==6;
        $name = $_      if $field==7;

        next if $field < 7;

        $field = 0;

        if( $skip_header ) {
                $skip_header = 0;

        if ($pssid == 0) {
            $p = $ssid;

            $n = (@d = split("/", $savetime, 9999));
            if ($n == 3) {
                $da = $d[1];
                $mo = $d[0];
                $ye = $d[2] + 1900;
                if ($ye < 1970) {
                    $ye += 100;
            else {
                $da = '**';
                $mo = '**';
                $ye = '****';
            $st{$p} = $ye . $mo . $da;
            $cl{$p} = $client;
            $ts{$p} = $totalsize;
            $nf{$p} = $nfiles;
            $na{$p} = $name;

            $i = $client . ':' . $name;
            $idx{$i} = $p;
        else {
            $p = $hof{$pssid};

            $ts{$p} += $totalsize;
            $nf{$p} += $nfiles;
        $hof{$ssid} = $p; # hof - head of family

close CMD;

# Output information about active save sets

foreach $i (keys %active) {

        if (!$idx{$i}) {
                next; # this should never happen?
        $ssid = $idx{$i};

        $mb = int($ts{$ssid} / 1024 / 1024 + 0.5); # convert to rounded MB
        printf "%s      %s      %s      %s      %s\n", $st{$ssid}, $mb, 
$nf{$ssid}, $cl{$ssid}, $na{$ssid};

George Scott           George.Scott AT DOT edu
Systems Programmer, IT Services, Monash University

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