
Re: [Networker] Jukebox Config w/ STK L180

2002-08-22 06:18:32
Subject: Re: [Networker] Jukebox Config w/ STK L180
From: Scott Howard <scott AT DOC.NET DOT AU>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 20:20:54 +1000
On Tue, Aug 20, 2002 at 01:15:49PM -0400, Joe Moore wrote:
> Out of curiosity, why do you say "DLT8000's hardly ever need cleaning"?
> In our HP jukebox with DLT8000s, we see "Cleaning Requested" for each
> drive at least once a week.

When we originally put in DLT8000's we were going through cleaning tapes
at a rate of knots (On average we were cleaning each drive about twice
a week).  At the same time we were seeing a number of other problems,
including errors, slow writes, etc.

We ended up replacing every single DLT8000, and the number of cleaning
dropped to almost zero.  One of the libraries which had 8 DLT8000 drives
used one of it's cleaning tapes 5 times in 3 months.


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