
[Bacula-users] Trying to run through bacula 'brief tutorial'

2010-06-14 11:32:15
Subject: [Bacula-users] Trying to run through bacula 'brief tutorial'
From: duxbuz <bacula-forum AT backupcentral DOT com>
To: bacula-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 11:29:38 -0400
Running through Brief Tutorial about Bacula

Some of the output i get is quite different from the tutorial.

*status client
Automatically selected Client: vega-fd
Connecting to Client vega-fd at vega:9102

vega-fd Version: 5.0.2 (28 April 2010)  i686-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 8.10
Daemon started 14-Jun-10 14:35, 0 Jobs run since started.
 Heap: heap=135,168 smbytes=15,462 max_bytes=15,549 bufs=83 max_bufs=84
 Sizeof: boffset_t=8 size_t=4 debug=0 trace=0

Running Jobs:
JobId 26 Job BackupClient1.2010-06-14_14.37.17_03 is running.
    Full Backup Job started: 14-Jun-10 14:37
    Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 Errors=0
    Files Examined=0
    SDReadSeqNo=5 fd=5
Director connected at: 14-Jun-10 16:19

Terminated Jobs:
 JobId  Level    Files      Bytes   Status   Finished        Name 
     1  Full          0         0   Error    08-Jun-10 06:05 BackupClient1
     3  Full          0         0   Error    13-Jun-10 13:05 BackupClient1

It says here that a backup job is running

Am not sure how to end this cause its been running a long time and my initial 
setup should only be backing up a few files like the tutorial.

Connecting to Director vega:9101
1000 OK: vega-dir Version: 5.0.2 (28 April 2010)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
*show filesets
FileSet: name=Full Set
      O M
      I /home/me/bacula/bin
      E /home/me/bacula/working
      E /tmp
      E /proc
      E /tmp
      E /.journal
      E /.fsck
FileSet: name=Catalog
      O M
      I /home/me/bacula/working/bacula.sql

Anyone help plz?


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