
Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC v4 and rsync for localhost

2017-06-15 10:06:13
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC v4 and rsync for localhost
From: Paul Fox <pgf AT DOT us>
To: backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2017 10:05:41 -0400
Michael Stowe wrote:
 > On 2017-06-15 03:25, Daniel Berteaud wrote:
 > > Hi there.
 > > 
 > > Using BackupPC since v2, I used to be able to BackupPC the host itself
 > > (the one running BackupPC) using rsync by simply modifying
 > > $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} (to something like '/usr/bin/sudo $rsyncPath
 > > $argList', and same for $Conf{RsyncClientRestoreCmd}). THis worked
 > > with BackupPC v3 too.
 > > 
 > > How can the same be done with BackupPC v4 now that RsyncClientCmd
 > > isn't used anymore ? Setting RsyncSshArgs to undef does't work as
 > > it'll try to run with ssh (but without a full path), eg
 > I looked on my own setup to answer this question, since I used a similar 
 > method under 3.x and have been backing up the local systems under 4.x 
 > since the alpha versions.
 > Turns out I just use a pretty vanilla rsync/ssh setup, and set up ssh 
 > keys so the box can log into itself without issues.

i will have the same issue that Daniel has.  I use:
   $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '/usr/bin/sudo $rsyncPath $argList+';
   $Conf{RsyncClientRestoreCmd} = '/usr/bin/sudo $rsyncPath $argList+';
in order to backup the backuppc host without the encryption/decryption
overhead of ssh.

for another host, i use this:
  $Conf{SshPath} = '/var/lib/backuppc/pc/broom/dual_commands';
  $Conf{RsyncClientCmd} =        '$sshPath backup  $host $rsyncPath $argList+';
  $Conf{RsyncClientRestoreCmd} = '$sshPath restore $host $rsyncPath $argList+';

where the "dual_commands" script first tries the host on a wired
connection, and then on a wireless connection -- this is for a laptop
which might be connected either way.  (this also requires wrapping
the "ping" command -- i didn't show that, above.)

is there really no way to handle special cases like this in v4?

paul fox, pgf AT DOT us (arlington, ma, where it's 63.9 

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