
Re: [BackupPC-users] Incremental Backup

2009-03-26 12:41:30
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Incremental Backup
From: Les Mikesell <lesmikesell AT gmail DOT com>
To: backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 11:36:05 -0500
kyeto wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to configure BackupPC to my firm with smb.
> I have no problem with the full backup.
> But when i create new folder with files, they are not saved with a 
> incremental backup, not always.
> Some times, they are copied but not always.
> How can i resolv this problem ?

How are you creating these new files?  If you use a method that 
preserves and older timestamp (like unpacking a zip file, etc.), they 
won't be picked up in an incremental if they appear older than the 
previous full.  If you use the rsync or rsyncd methods it will actually 
compare the contents of the runs to detect changes regardless of the 
file timestamps.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell AT gmail DOT com

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