
Re: [BackupPC-users] how to backup the backuppc server (off site)

2009-02-10 10:57:45
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] how to backup the backuppc server (off site)
From: Johan Ehnberg <johan AT ehnberg DOT net>
To: backuppc-users AT lists.sourceforge DOT net
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 19:55:20 +0400
Scurry7 wrote:
> Hello all, I have been looking for some documentation on how to
> backup my backup-PC server.  What on my backup server needs to be
> duplicated so I can restore my backups once the server is back up?
> I can tell that the data and stuff is stored in /var/lib/backuppc/
> but is that all that I need to sync up? (when restoring do I only
> need to re-install backuppc then rsync that directory back?)
> Also, does anyone use a really good really cheap service for online
> data storage?
> I have about 900G used on my server.
> man i love backup-PC, thanks to all that help create awesome
> software!

You will want to back up /etc/backuppc (or wherever your conf files
are), these are necessary to do anything useful with BackupPC, such as
restoring files. Other than that there should be nothing.

However, you should be aware of how hard links work and restore them
correctly. Lots of recent threads about that here. In short, replicating
a complete backup archive is often not feasible off site because of the
high number of hard links.


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