
Re: Automatically shutdown after a backup

2006-11-23 21:07:59
Subject: Re: Automatically shutdown after a backup
From: Yan Seiner <yan AT seiner DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 17:52:46 -0800
chuck.amadi napsal(a):
Nick Pierpoint wrote:

Hello everyone.

I'm looking for a way to automatically shutdown my computers on my small
home network following a backup.

1. Amanda completes backup run
2. Backed-up clients shutdown
3. Amanda server shutdown

Thanks for any pointers.

Hi Nick

a possible suggestion is to write a shell scipt and as a command add to a cron job for all your computers. Thus create a user with neccessary permissions to start and shutdown services But not as Root Well I don't by convention it is not wise to run cron jobs if your server or client is exposed to the Wild Wild West.
OK but if you want to do a network-wide shutdown, just stick a shutdown behind inetd on a specific port.

Then the backup server can connect to the port on the client machine, inetd will invoke the script, and the machine will shut down. (A simple nc command will do.)

Obviously, don't do this on an insecure network....  :-)


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