
Re: Monthly backup

2006-11-01 14:33:27
Subject: Re: Monthly backup
From: Steven Kurylo <steven.kurylo AT vcom DOT com>
To: jwilson AT transolutions DOT net
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2006 11:17:09 -0800
James Wilson wrote:
> Well I have a folder lets say its called "voice" and in voice I have a
> bunch of folders in there labeled by date. Starting with todays date
> all the way back to 10-01-2005.
> I want to backup everything till may of 2006 for the. Then I'm going
> to delete all those files because I have them on tape. Then every
> month I just want to back up the next month so in this case the next
> month would be June then July etc. 
So you don't want a full backup, just a specific folder whose name
changes each month.

I would create a symlink /path/to/link, pointing to /path/to/2006-04. 
Tell the backup to backup /path/to/link.  When the backup is done, have
a script which deletes /path/to/2006-04, then changes /path/to/link to
point at 2006-05.

Or you could have amanda backup everything, but use an exclude to block
the most recent folders.  Then you'd have to rewrite the exclude file

I'm sure there might be a few other ways.

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