
Re: Howto or crib for backing up two tape drives - amanda 2.5

2006-01-10 03:34:48
Subject: Re: Howto or crib for backing up two tape drives - amanda 2.5
From: Paul Bijnens <paul.bijnens AT xplanation DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 09:27:49 +0100
Jon LaBadie wrote:
On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 12:57:58AM +0000, chuck.amadi wrote:

Hi Is there doc's for setting up ainternal and extrenal tape drives As I have a DDS-4 drive and need to commission a second external drive to backup a total of 80gb server and I would like to backup a minmum 300gb eventually I was looking at LTO-3 but it is beyond my companies budget.

I read a email not long ago stating whats new for version 2.5.0 and there something about having amanda backup two tape drives which would be ideal for my situation when the first tape drive is full it would continue without admin intervention to the second drive.

Please could someone point me in the right direction as my monthly backups are nearing the full capacity of the tapes which are 20gb native DDS-4 4mm * 150mm.

I've not used it, but ISTR that the script, chg-multi,
is intended for multiple, distinct tape drives.
Don't know if they can be different types or must
be the same tapetype.

I used chg-multi indeed to emulate a tape changer with my two tapedrives.

In amanda.conf:

  #tapedev may be commented out
  tpchanger "chg-multi"
  changerfile "chg-multi.conf
  amrecover_changer "changer"
  amrecover_do_fsf true
  amrecover_check_label true

And create a new file named "chg-multi.conf" in the same directory
as the amanda.conf file with this content:

  multieject 0
  gravity 0
  needeject 0
  ejectdelay 0
  statefile /var/lib/amanda/daily/changer-status   # changeme
  firstslot 1
  lastslot 2
  slot 1  /dev/nst0             # changeme
  slot 2  /dev/nst1             # changeme

and fill in appropriate values for your environment in the lines
marked with "changeme"

You probably also want "runtapes 2" in the amanda.conf  :-)

Paul Bijnens, Xplanation                            Tel  +32 16 397.511
Technologielaan 21 bus 2, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM    Fax  +32 16 397.512          email:  Paul.Bijnens AT xplanation DOT com
* I think I've got the hang of it now:  exit, ^D, ^C, ^\, ^Z, ^Q, ^^, *
* F6, quit, ZZ, :q, :q!, M-Z, ^X^C, logoff, logout, close, bye, /bye, *
* stop, end, F3, ~., ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt,  abort,  hangup, *
* PF4, F20, ^X^X, :D::D, KJOB, F14-f-e, F8-e,  kill -1 $$,  shutdown, *
* init 0, kill -9 1, Alt-F4, Ctrl-Alt-Del, AltGr-NumLock, Stop-A, ... *
* ...  "Are you sure?"  ...   YES   ...   Phew ...   I'm out          *