
Re: odd problem setting up amanda on Linux

2003-09-12 13:16:17
Subject: Re: odd problem setting up amanda on Linux
From: Simon Frettloeh <sifr AT aifb.uni-karlsruhe DOT de>
To: Amanda User Mailingliste <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 19:11:07 +0200
Hi Harlan!

> This was exactly right! The firewalls were blocking the packets. I
> disabled them, and things now work correctly. Configuring the Linux
> firewalls to allow Amanda and Samba would be the next step. I'll ask Red
> Hat about that -- it didn't look obvious how to do that... Thanks!

Read the thread "Client behind a firewall" in this Mailinglist. I
suppose, you've got to recompile Amanda with the options
"--with-tcpportrange=X,Y" and "--with-udpportrange=xxx,yyy", so you
can define the portrange, for wich you should open your firewall.


Simon Frettloeh
Institute AIFB
(Applied Computer Science and Formal Description Methods)
University of Karlsruhe
Engler Str. 11 - 76128 Karlsruhe - Germany

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