
RE: service looping/terminating

2003-09-04 14:05:41
Subject: RE: service looping/terminating
From: "Amanda Admin" <amanda AT denverdata DOT com>
To: "Ripley, Scott" <Scott.Ripley AT DOT gov>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 12:00:57 -0600
> As you can see, there are two networks co-existing on the same wire. Host2
> is a website address; Amanda is supposed to be working via host1. Forward
> and reverse DNS resolve to host1 and 0.1, respectively.
> FWIW, I think you're on the right track.


If I remember the list archives corrrectly, I think the standard test is --
for the FQDN that you've given amanda in your disklist, do you always get
the same results from gethostbyname() on both the client and the server.

I think at one point someone posted a small C program to the list to do the
gethostbyname() test, but you'll have to search for that. A litte Perl
script would be just as good.

Happy Hunting,

P.S. One of these days I should change the name on this account ;)

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