
Re: Does amanda need a shell?

2003-09-01 03:53:31
Subject: Re: Does amanda need a shell?
From: Scott Phelps <sphelps1 AT cox DOT net>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 03:44:13 -0400
On Sunday 31 August 2003 07:41 pm, Stefan Keel wrote:
> Amanda does need its own user to operate.  You can create a new user, named
> Amanda, and make the user a part of the 'disk' group.  This gives Amanda
> permission to do its stuff.
> There's good information here...
> ...that discusses the Amanda user, and specific permissions that the Amanda
> user needs to have in order to operate effectively, as well as a good deal
> of additional advice.  You can also check the docs directory of the source
> for more information.

Thank you so much!  That site is awesome and I fixed my problem.


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