
Re: this is one I haven't seen [Solaris sgen/st confusion]

2003-06-20 22:44:37
Subject: Re: this is one I haven't seen [Solaris sgen/st confusion]
From: FM Taylor <ftaylor1 AT indstate DOT edu>
To: Jay Lessert <jayl AT accelerant DOT net>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 21:40:55 -0500
Thanks, that fixed it. All is once again right with the world (or at least my part of it). seems that the patch set reset some of the /kernel/drv files to their original state.

Jay Lessert wrote:
On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 05:23:15PM -0500, FM Taylor wrote:

After an upgrade all of my /dev/rmt/devices are now /dev/scsi/sequential/devices. That in itself was no problem.

Oh, yes it is!

/dev/rmt/0n (or whatever) *better* point to st(7D) device entries, NOT
sgen(7D) sequential entries.

Someone has recently fiddled with /kernel/drv/sgen.conf, put
some sequential entries in, then managed to flush the pre-existing
/dev/rmt entries somehow.  It took some work.  And now you
get to undo it!

However, I am now getting this strange error, and I don't know how to fix it.

tape_rdlabel: tape open: 0: No such file or directory

The sgen(7D) driver is *not* a superset of st(7D).  It is nice to
have sgen devices around for tapeinfo, but you cannot use them
for dd, tar, cpio, ufsdump, etc.  Probably not even for mt.

Pull the sequential entries out of sgen.conf, 'rem_drv sgen', and
'add_drv sgen' (to put your changer entries back).

Now (I think, haven't done this lately), you just 'devfsadm -C -v -c tape'.

Good luck!

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