
[no subject]

2002-11-11 02:29:42
From: "Nicolas Cartron" <nc AT ncartron DOT com>
To: <amanda-users AT amanda DOT org>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 08:02:37 +0100 (CET)

I want to install Amanda on a production environment,
backup server on FreeBSD and clients running Linux, Solaris or FreeBSD.

I read in the section dedicated to Amanda (in the 'Unix backup & recovery',
O'reilly) the following lines :

AMANDA currently starts a new tape for each run and does not provide a
mechanism to append a new run to the same tape as a previous run

We are currently running Brightstor from Computer Associates,
doing a full backup every sunday, and incremental backups on ONE tape
Does that mean that if i want to do the same with Amanda, i have to
rotate the tape every day ?
(I forgot to explain that I have 2 DLT tapes backuping the datas).

Thanks in advance for your explanations.


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