
Re: Wildcards in disklist? (Was: What tapecycle value to use?)

2002-10-16 12:20:06
Subject: Re: Wildcards in disklist? (Was: What tapecycle value to use?)
From: Toralf Lund <toralf AT kscanners DOT com>
To: Galen Johnson <gjohnson AT trantor DOT org>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 18:10:02 +0200
Toralf Lund wrote:

Toralf Lund wrote:


No, I don't have those examples. Also, I don't quite recognise the syntax. What version is this example from? 2.4.3? I'm still on 2.4.2p2...

yes, this is 2.4.3.

# An example of how to separate a big disk (/diskA) in multiple smaller entry
# using GNUTAR.
# I suggest to always use the diskdevice in the diskname.
# Don't forget to use the same spindle for all entry.

[ snip ]

I would think you could use something like this to get your wildcards, I do (at least I think I do since I have it set up to do so but haven't verified).

Well, yes and no. Yes, I may be able to set up everything in this manner. No, it was not quite what I had in mind. What I'd really like is some way to specify multiple *backup* disklist entries using just one disklist *file* entry, if you know what I'm saying. (I find it a bit hard to explain this due to lack of good terminology.)

- Toralf

I'm not sure I follow...I have actually used an include directive in my amanda.conf file to include disklist, tapetype and interface and dumptype files instead of putting it all in the amanda.conf file. If I understand you I think you are looking for something like the following:

# disklist wildcard
* /usr/local comp-user-tar

in order to say "for /usr/local filesystem on all servers use the comp-user-tar dumptype". If so, I doubt this will ever be the case since there is no way to know the host info using this notation.
No. What I want is to be able to do something like

fileserv /usr/local/* comp-user-tar

and have Amanda proceed as if all sub directories of /usr/local on fileserv were listed.

I'm not familiar at all with 2.4.2 as I came into this at 2.4.3b3 and am now running with 2.4.3. IF the example I gave in my previous email looks more like what you are trying to do, you may want to consider upgrading. I've heard that it is fairly painless.
I definitely want the multiple exclude and include stuff, and also autoflush, so I'll upgrade soon. Just waiting another while to see if a pre-compiled binary is published for our SGI server.

- Toralf