
Skipping valid directories with amflush

2002-10-07 15:06:28
Subject: Skipping valid directories with amflush
From: Jeff Engelhardt <jengelha AT gac DOT edu>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Mon, 07 Oct 2002 13:42:41 -0500
Our amanda has started skipping directories that is has left on the holding disk when it has run out of tape. The error I get with amflush daily is
Scanning /var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk4...
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
Scanning /var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk3...
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
Scanning /var/local/amanda/temp/hold-disk...
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.
 : skipping cruft directory, perhaps you should delete it.

Each of those directories has valid dump directories in them and it displays two "skipping..." lines for each directory in that hold disk directory. This is on a RH linux 7.3 box using amanda 2.4.2p2.

Any ideas?



Jeff Engelhardt   Unix & Network Administrator
Department of Information Technology
Gustavus Adolphus College

jengelha AT gac DOT edu
(507)   933 7042
FAX:    933 6316

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