
Re: chg-zd-mtx on freebsd

2002-08-29 18:04:59
Subject: Re: chg-zd-mtx on freebsd
From: John Koenig <jfkoenig AT vipb DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 14:45:40 -0700
I would recommend not trying to debug the changer stuff from way up on high in AMANDA, but to debug at the command line by running the changer script directly... The ./docs/TAPE.CHANGERS document will guide you with the syntax to do this on the CL.

If you have not already made all of AMANDA operate without the changer (just set the tapedev to the device specifier), then I would recommend doing that first....

Isolating the two will help the issues fall out in a more apparent fashion...


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