
Re: dumps fail: data timeout

2002-08-28 13:30:35
Subject: Re: dumps fail: data timeout
From: Amy Tanner <amy AT real-time DOT com>
To: amanda-users AT amanda DOT org
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 12:20:56 -0500
On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 01:06:37PM -0400, Gene Heskett (gene_heskett AT iolinc 
DOT net) wrote:
> It rather sounds like you need to allow more time for the process to 
> run.  Thats configurable with a couple of variables in your 
> amanda.conf file, along with some explanatory test describing them.

I did check the dtimeout value.  It was set to 3600, which seemed like it
should be enough.  I'll increase it to 7200 and see what happens.

If the dump is timing out, shouldn't amanda properly kill the processes

> >I'm using dump with hardware compression (no software compression) > > on
all machines & file systems.  > > The use of hardware compression as opposed
to software compression > can also be a course of 'gotchas'.  When hardware
compression is > used, amanda doesn't have a very good idea how much data
a tape can > hold, so you have to set the tape capacities conservatively,
which > on big tapes can result in gigabytes of under utilization.


I've read about the advantages of software compression over
hardware compression and I agree.  I'm not the primary amanda
administrator - I'm just filling in while he's gone and attempting to
fix the problems - but I will make the recommendation to switch.

Will the using hardware compression cause the dumps to take longer?
We recently switched to hardware compression because we got a new tape
changer.  Perhaps that's the cause of the problems.  These 2 machines
were not having problems previously when we were doing software
compression for everything.

Thank you for your recommendations - I appreciate it.
Amy Tanner
amy AT real-time DOT com

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