Re: [ADSM-L] help with designing a backup system for Teradata

2015-07-30 14:17:13
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] help with designing a backup system for Teradata
From: Mike De Gasperis <mike.degasperis AT WOWWAY DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2015 14:15:34 -0400
Do you have DDboost licensed?  Could always use the boost plugin and go right 
to the DD and skip the TSM server. 

> On Jul 30, 2015, at 1:00 PM, Rhodes, Richard L. <rrhodes AT FIRSTENERGYCORP 
> DOT COM> wrote:
> We purchased a Teredata database system.
> It currently is in test/dev stage with little data.
> We don't really know the ultimate backup requirements.
> To get things started we setup a simple backup system:
>   Teradata
>    -> to Bar server (Win) with TSM interface sftw
>    -> to TSM server (AIX)
>    -> to filepool on DataDomain (getting ~5x dedup)
>   From the Bar server to TSM server is a standard 1GB ethernet.
> Now we need to scale up/out!
> The consultants are saying we will need to backup 30TB in a 6hr window,
> but maybe has high as 50TB in 6hr.
> That is (roughly):
>         30TB in 6hr = 1,400 MB/sec
>         50TB in 6hr = 2,300 MB/sec
> So we need to design a TSM backup system to support this.
> My thoughts:
> 1) Put a storage agent on the Bar server (Win server)
>     and feed a VTL via 4x8gb san connections via a bunch of virtual tape.
> 2) Put the TSM server directly on the Bar server for just
>     local tape and still feed a VTL as above.
>     No library sharing.
> 3) I'd really like to not use tape (even virtual tape),
>     but I can't think of any way to feed file devices
>     with that throughput.
> I'd appreciate any thought/comments anyone might have!
> Thanks
> Rick
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