Re: [ADSM-L] reclaimable tapes in a stgpool

2014-04-15 11:28:42
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] reclaimable tapes in a stgpool
From: "Rhodes, Richard L." <rrhodes AT FIRSTENERGYCORP DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 15:26:37 +0000
I figured out what I screwed up.

Here's the actual cmd in a ksh script:

       # get list of stgpools with count of reclaimable volumes
       /tsmdata/tsm_scripts/run_cmd_allservers.ksh " \
            select stgpool_name, \
                   count(*) \
              from volumes \
             where     pct_reclaim \> 64  \
                   and stgpool_name like '%TAPE%' \
             group by stgpool_name " \
      | sort -k2,2rn \
      > $tmpfile1

Note the ' \> 64 '.  But our reclamation threshold is 65.
Why did I do >64????
Because I couldn't get ' >=  65' through the shell.
I tried \>\= and \>=, but neither worked. So I
punted and used ' \> 64'.  BUT THE CONSEQUENCE of this was
that it picked up fractions like 64.3 which
the "reclaim stgpool . . . threshold=65" would not see,
and there were a lot of those.

I finally got the ksh to work.
This works - you don't need to escape at all:  ' >= 65'!!!
Yup, if the equal sign is right after the gt sign then you
don't need to escape the  gt sign.



From: Rhodes, Richard L.
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 10:00 AM
To: adsm-l mailing list (ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU)
Subject: reclaimable tapes in a stgpool

Is there a way to determine the number of tapes in a stgpool that
are eligible for reclamation?

I tried the following sql on all our TSM instances:
            select stgpool_name, \
                   count(*) \
              from volumes \
             where     pct_reclaim \> 64  \
                   and devclass_name like '%TAPE%' \
             group by stgpool_name "

It returned a list, but when I went and ran "reclaim stgpool  <name> 
many of the pools returned that there were no volumes to be reclaimed.  I think
I need more qualifiers on the select.

We currently have reclamation running automatically with a
reclaim pct of 65% on the stgpool.  I'm trying to move to
manually running reclamation during a window.  I don't
want to just issue reclaim stgpool cmds all at once for all
instances to prevent a tape drive storm.  I want to start
them gradually, with the stgpools with the most tapes to be
reclaimed starting first.



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