Re: [ADSM-L] Number Of Files Query

2013-02-11 08:53:44
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Number Of Files Query
From: Skylar Thompson <skylar2 AT U.WASHINGTON DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 05:50:34 -0800
No, BACKUPS and ARCHIVES have just one entry per file, regardless of the
number of storage pools it's in. NUM_FILES from OCCUPANCY counts the
number of files per storage pool, so it includes primary/active/copy pools.

You can look at the system catalog to see the schema of those tables:

SELECT COLNAME,TYPENAME FROM syscat.columns where tabname='OCCUPANCY'
SELECT COLNAME,TYPENAME FROM syscat.columns where tabname='BACKUPS'
SELECT COLNAME,TYPENAME FROM syscat.columns where tabname='ARCHIVES'

On 02/10/13 23:22, white jeff wrote:
> Hi
> Doing some sizing for a client, who wants active data pools for a selection
> of nodes
> TSM Server v6.3.1
> select sum(num_files) from occupancy:
> Shows 139 million files. Fine
> So i want to know how many active and inactive files from the backups
> table, and the number of objects in the archives table (mainly as a matter
> of interest)
> Select count(*) from backups where state = 'ACTIVEVERSION'
> 38 million objects
> Select count(*) from backups where state = 'INACTIVEVERSION'
> 41 million objects
> Select count(*) from archives
> 4 million objects
> So in total, 83 million objects
> But 55 million less than the occupancy number of files
> I thought it may be that a copy file might not appear in the backups or
> archives table, but i have always assumed that it did. Happy to be told
> otherwise, if definitely true.
> Anyone have a thought on the discrepancy?
> Regards

-- Skylar Thompson (skylar2 AT u.washington DOT edu)
-- Systems Administrator, Genome Sciences Department
-- University of Washington, School of Medicine

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