Re: [ADSM-L] backup Systemstate error

2013-01-21 09:19:43
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] backup Systemstate error
From: "Loon, EJ van - SPLXM" <Eric-van.Loon AT KLM DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 15:11:27 +0100
Hi Mike!
>From your error messages down below:  "initializeSnapshotSet() failed,
check Microsoft Application event log for VSS errors", did you check the
Application even log? What did it say?
Kind regards,
Eric van Loon
AF/KLM Storage Engineering

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU] On Behalf Of
Michael P Hizny
Sent: maandag 21 januari 2013 14:51
Subject: backup Systemstate error


We have a windows 2008 R2 server being backup up to a  TSM
server using  client version 6.4.0. The client was upgraded from 6.3 to
try to fix this problem.  We are getting a failure of the systemstate
backup.  I have deleted the TSM systemstate file system  to try to fix
this to no avail.  We have also restarted the server.  The rest of the
file system backups run fine.  Has anyone seen this before?  The backjup
domain is set to all-local.  We have also tried taking the systemstate
out of the backup and the results are the same.  Here are the logs:


01/20/2013 18:00:00
01/20/2013 18:00:21 Incremental backup of volume '\\sparrow\c$'
01/20/2013 18:00:21 Incremental backup of volume '\\sparrow\e$'
01/20/2013 18:00:21 Incremental backup of volume 'SYSTEMSTATE'
01/20/2013 18:01:06 ANS1959I Removing previous incomplete group '\System
State\0\SystemState' Id:0-145799926
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'ASR Writer' component 'ASR' using
shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'ASR Writer' component 'This is
the path to the boot BCD store and the boot managers.
All the files in this directory need to be backed up.' using shadow
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'ASR Writer' component 'Select
this volume (\??\Volume{6fe50a41-cff1-11e0-8fb1-806e6f6e6963}) if it is
a critical volume.
Critical volumes are those which ASR must restore.' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'ASR Writer' component 'Select
this volume (C:) if it is a critical volume.
Critical volumes are those which ASR must restore.' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'ASR Writer' component 'Select to
include disk #0 (of signature 0x80) for ASR restore.' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'ASR Writer' component 'Select to
include disk #1 (of signature a35bb97c-c8f9-4cf6-934d-329b30fc20e5) for
ASR restore.' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'COM+ REGDB Writer' component
'COM+ REGDB' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'Performance Counters Writer'
component 'Performance Counters' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'Registry Writer' component
'Registry' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:07 Backing up object 'System Writer' component 'System
Files' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:08 Backing up object 'Task Scheduler Writer' component
'Tasks Store' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:08 Backing up object 'VSS Metadata Store Writer'
component 'VSS Express Writer Metadata Store' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:08 Backing up object 'FSRM Writer' component 'FSRM
global configuration, including template definitions, file group
definitions, classification properties and rules, file management and
report settings that apply to the entire system' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:08 Backing up object 'FSRM Writer' component 'FSRM
classification module configuration, captured when the module registers
with FSRM' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:08 Backing up object 'FSRM Writer' component 'FSRM
configuration on volume E:\, including its quota configuration, file
screen configuration, and file screen audit logs' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:08 Backing up object 'FSRM Writer' component 'FSRM
reports, classification and file management logs repository, including
any scheduled, incident, and on-demand reports and logs' using shadow
01/20/2013 18:01:08 Backing up object 'WMI Writer' component 'Windows
Managment Instrumentation' using shadow copy.
01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful.
01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS1228E Sending of object
'SPARROW\SystemState\NULL\System State\SystemState' failed
01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful.
01/20/2013 20:22:54 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'NT_SERVER_SCHEDULE'
Return code = 12.
01/20/2013 20:22:54 Sending results for scheduled event
01/20/2013 20:22:54 Results sent to server for scheduled event


01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS1327W The snapshot operation for
'SPARROW\SystemState\NULL\System State\SystemState' failed with error
code: -1.
01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
   TSM function name : BaStartSnapshot
   TSM function      : initializeSnapshotSet() failed, check Microsoft
Application event log for VSS errors
   TSM return code   : -1
   TSM file          : ..\..\common\ba\backsnap.cpp (6343)
01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS5258E Microsoft volume shadow copy snapshot
initialization failed.
01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful.
01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS1327W The snapshot operation for
'SPARROW\SystemState\NULL\System State\SystemState' failed with error
code: -1.
01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS1228E Sending of object
'SPARROW\SystemState\NULL\System State\SystemState' failed
01/20/2013 18:01:15 ANS5283E The operation was unsuccessful.


Michael Hizny
Assistant Director of Networking
Binghamton University
607-777-4739 (office)
607-777-4009 (fax)
mhizny AT binghamton DOT edu
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