Re: [ADSM-L] Help on Tsm 6 script

2011-10-21 05:07:36
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Help on Tsm 6 script
From: Rainer Schöpf <rainer.schoepf AT PROTEOSYS DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 10:52:09 +0200
Hi Robert,

I believe the difference of two timestamps is given in seconds. To convert that 
to minutes or hours, you can use the timestampdiff function:


  select -
   timestampdiff(4,char(current_timestamp-start_time)) -
   from processes

gives you the elapsed time in minutes.


On Thu, 20 Oct 2011, Robert Ouzen wrote:

 > Hi to all
 > This week I upgrade one  my Tsm server from V5.5.4.0 to V6.2.3.0 in Windows 
 > platform 2008R2, everything work fine ….
 > Now trying to update some scripts by example this one (Report of backup / 
 > archive in specific period).
 > set sqlmathmode round
 > set sqldatetimeformat eur
 > select entity as nodename, -
 >     date(start_time) as "Date (Y/M/D)", -
 >     time(start_time) as "Begin time", -
 >     time(end_time) as "End time", -
 >     cast(sum(affected) as varchar(10)) as "Num Obj", -
 > cast(sum(failed) as varchar(10)) as "Num Obj Failed", -
 >   case -
 >     when sum(bytes)>1073741824 then cast(sum(bytes)/1073741824 as 
 > varchar(10)) || ' Gb' -
 >     when sum(bytes)>1048576 then cast(sum(bytes)/1048576 as varchar(10)) || 
 > ' Mb' -
 >     when sum(bytes)>1024 then cast(sum(bytes)/1024 as varchar(10)) || ' Kb' -
 >     else cast(sum(bytes) as varchar(10)) -
 > end as "Bytes" -
 >   from summary -
 >   where (activity='BACKUP' or activity='ARCHIVE') and -
 >      start_time>=timestamp(current_date-$1 day,'10:00:00') and -
 >      start_time<=timestamp(current_date,'09:00:00') and -
 >      successful='YES' -
 >      and entity  like upper('%%$2%%') -
 >    group by entity,start_time,end_time
 > How can I calculate the elapsed time between the begin and end time this 
 > line in my previous version work fine but here I got:  ELAPSED: 7.000000
 > Here the line I used:
 > substr(cast(end_time-start_time as varchar(17)),3,8) as elapsed, -
 > By the way it is a possibility to got the output as a table now I got the 
 > output in few lines ?
 > Regards  Robert

ProteoSys AG
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 51
55129 Mainz

Dr. Rainer Schöpf
Leiter Software/Softwareentwicklung

Mail:   rainer.schoepf AT proteosys DOT com
Phone:  +49-(0)6131-50192-41
Fax:    +49-(0)6131-50192-11
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