Re: [ADSM-L] Remove backed up files no longer needed from TSM

2009-01-26 21:44:10
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Remove backed up files no longer needed from TSM
From: Steven Harris <sjharris AT AU1.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 13:34:47 +1100
Hi All

I'm involved in building a large, complex TSM environment on a green-field
site, so I'd like to get things right from the start.  There are multiple
physical sites, tape libraries and virtual libraries with cross site
vaulting, several TSM Servers and a plethora of TSM clients using TDPs of
various kinds and TSM for SAN.

Under AIX I have the lscfg command that will give me something like

 rmt11            U5791.001.9920R66-P2-C07-T1-W500507630F5C9532-L0
IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)

I am scripting this so that for each AIX LAN-Free client path statements
are generated something like

def path xyzzy L1F4D2 srct=server destt=drive library=lib1 device=rmt11

This ties the path name to the Library/Frame/drive of the drive in
question, and can be generated because the last two digits of the WWPN in
the AIX resource locator are the frame number (zero based) and drive number
(1 based) of a 3584 library.

So far so good!.  But I want to do the same task for windows boxes (Windows
2008 x64 running Exchange 2007).  I'm not a  windows guy and have spent
some time looking at what is available from the WMI interface without
finding what I seek.

So,  does anyone have a way to correlate the symbolic name of a tape drive
and the WWPN of the drive from  javascript or vbscript under Windows?



Steven Harris
TSM Admin, Sydney Australia

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