Re: TSM problem with Removing Copy Pool from Sequential Access Storage Pool

2007-02-22 07:36:58
Subject: Re: TSM problem with Removing Copy Pool from Sequential Access Storage Pool
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:35:49 -0500
On Feb 22, 2007, at 7:03 AM, Carpenter, Curtis wrote:

We are running TSM Server 5.2.7 on AIX 5.3.03.  We assigned a copy
to our GEN_TAPE sequential access pool. We are trying to remove this
copy pool because it is causing us to receive the following messages:

ANR4734W Copy storage pool COPYPOOL was removed from the copy storage
pool list because of a failure for session XXXX.

ANR4744W Cannot acquire sufficient number of mount points.      

But, when we try to remove the copy pool associated with our
access pool using the GUI, it appears to update, but when we query the
storage pool again, we see that it still has a copy pool associated
it.  Any suggestions?

The message Explanations and Technote 1190373 indicate that TSM is
begging you to supply the needed MAXNUMMP value.  Your posting
doesn't say why you are denying this to TSM.

My standing recommendation is to not use GUIs for system
administration: they are notorious for malfunctions and for hiding
problems.  Use the CLI.  And, where a server operation fails, there
should be a reason in the Activity Log.

   Richard Sims