Re: ANS4005E File not found

2006-11-27 07:24:52
Subject: Re: ANS4005E File not found
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 07:23:32 -0500
On Nov 27, 2006, at 5:06 AM, Gopinathan, Srinath wrote:

I am not able to find the files as mentioned below in the location
mentioned. Please let me know on how to work about this problem.

That may indicate that the files named in the 4005 client message
were transient.  Realize that backing up a live file system can
easily result in the backup program (TSM) identifying a backup
candidate by virtue of directory information, but then when it goes
to do the deed the file may well have been deleted by its owner.

In Windows, it is also possible that files may exist, but not be
observable, because they are "hidden".  I believe that the PC Health
facility does that.  But if they did exist, TSM should be able to
back them up, so the 4005 message suggests that the files were
transient.  Files which are transient and which need not be restored
(e.g., browser cache files) are good candidates for exclusion.

   Richard Sims

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