Re: linux client version question

2005-03-15 12:59:56
Subject: Re: linux client version question
From: "John E. Vincent" <adsm-l-alias AT CLACORP DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 12:59:29 -0500
We're running 5.3 clients against a 5.2 server right now and it works
just fine. And since I don't plan on upgrading my servers to 5.3 until I
HAVE to do it, it will stay that way for a while.

John E. Vincent

Troy Frank wrote:
We currently run TSM server v5.2.2.2 , and will shortly have some linux
clients to backup.  We would be running SLES9 which doesn't seem to be
supported by the 5.2x clients.   The 5.3 client does support it, but I
wasn't sure of the safety/wisdom of running the 5.3 linux client against
a 5.2x server.  Anyone have a comforting experience, or horror story to

Troy Frank
Network Services
University of Wisconsin Medical Foundation
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