Re: Restore from 250 GB of 2 000 000 files in 1 day

2004-11-10 08:30:46
Subject: Re: Restore from 250 GB of 2 000 000 files in 1 day
From: Dwight Cook <cookde AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 06:12:36 -0600

Personally I'd look into processing that file system with an image backup.

A way to look at that would be "Which can you count to faster,  2,000,000
or 1 ?"

Depending on the data, 250 GB would compress down to 83 GB (if we assume
3/1 client compression) and if the client & server processors are newer
models running TSM 5.2 code, I would expect that to be processed in about 4
hours and if it doesn't compress at all, about 3 time that or 12 hours.
(both backups and restores with a single process)
All that depends heavily on the hardware but P630's with just 2 CPU's would
probably produce such results.
(and you are doing the backup and restore of the file system from the
actual host that it physically resides on, correct?)

Since creating an image backup requires a static environment for the
duration of the backup, you could always look into cutting BCV's, mounting
those up to an alternate processor and letting that alternate processor
create the image backup... then the re-sync of the BCV's to get you ready
for the next backup cycle wouldn't take very much time.

Dwight E. Cook
Systems Management Integration Professional, Advanced
Integrated Storage Management
TSM Administration
(918) 835-3106 (local Tulsa OK)
(877) 625-4186
T/L 349-4361

             Ralf Behrendt                                             
             Z-BANK.DE>                                                 To
             Sent by: "ADSM:           ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU            
             Dist Stor                                                  cc
             <[email protected]                                     Subject
             .EDU>                     Restore from 250 GB of 2 000 000
                                       files in 1 day                  
             11/10/2004 02:31                                          
             Please respond to                                         
             "ADSM: Dist Stor                                          


is its possible to restore 250 GB ( two million files) within a day?
Its an NSF mounted filesystem. Can parallel restore increase the throughput
by an NSF-mouted filesystem.
The filesystem is mounted from a EMC cellera and symmetrix.
The backup time was with 13 hours with parallel sessons.
Then the data will be migrated the LTO1 tapes in an IBM 3584.
Has any one experience with restore off many little files with high

best regards

Ralf Behrendt
mailto:ralf.behrendt AT wgz-bank DOT de

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