Re: Wrong end of tape error

2004-02-18 07:48:06
Subject: Re: Wrong end of tape error
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 07:47:44 -0500
>02/18/04 03:15:32  ANR8341I End-of-volume reached for LTO volume CART01.
>02/18/04 03:15:35  ANR1025W Migration process 32 terminated for storage pool
                    BACKUPPOOL - insufficient space in subordinate storage pool.
>Can anyone understand why a 29.4 percent utilization volume will create
>the errors above?

Andreas - You may have a combination of problems...

If the tape drive is reporting EOV and you see that the volume is far from full,
I would look into the firmware level being used on your drives.  We've seen too
many LTO firmware problems recently, and this may be another.

Your Query Volume output shows "Scratch Volume?: No" which suggests that you may
not be supplying a scratch tape pool for that stgpool: see if the stgpool needs
more empty, candidate volumes assigned to it, or implement a scratch pool.
In concert, I would also check whether your collocation setting for that 
stgpool is requiring a separate tape for further migration to occur.

    Richard Sims,

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