Re: 9940B drive performance question

2004-02-13 15:55:07
Subject: Re: 9940B drive performance question
From: TSM_User <tsm_user AT YAHOO DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 12:54:41 -0800
No, the Data transfer rate for 9940B uncompressed is 30 MB/s or ~105 GB/hr.  
The Data transfer rate compressed is 70 MB/s or ~ 246 GB/hr.

See if 
you have any questions on this.

The reason I mentioned that the data was not compressed was because with drive 
compression we hope to achieve even better than 30 MB/s.

"Stapleton, Mark" <stapleto AT BERBEE DOT COM> wrote:
From: TSM_User [mailto:tsm_user AT YAHOO DOT COM]
I was wondering if anyone might share what speeds they are seeing in MB/s or 
GB/hr for large file backups directly to tape and tape to tape transfers of 
large files? We are hoping to see 85 - 90 GB/hr or better when backing up 
uncompressed large 100GB database files..

IIRC, the theoretical maximum throughput of a 9940B drive is 15MB/sec 
uncompressed, which is 54GB/hr. I wouldn't hold my breath...

Mark Stapleton (stapleton AT berbee DOT com)

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