Re: SAP R/3

2003-11-25 11:31:29
Subject: Re: SAP R/3
From: "Gill, Geoffrey L." <GEOFFREY.L.GILL AT SAIC DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 08:30:51 -0800
>Teach yourself to avoid the marketing scrap without being bullied. This
>"functionality" is useful in only one case - when your backup clients (or
>their network connectivity) are heavily bottlenecked and tape drive
>outperforms them.
>Example 3: Your single node A is splitting data in 3 streams A1, A2, A3
>which in turn got multiplexed. The result might be again something like
>But what if your restore becomes "read A1, skip, skip, read A1, skip,
>skip, skip, read A1, read A1, rewind, skip, read A2, skip, skip, skip,
>skip, read A2, ..."?!?

I know you don't know me from Adam but believe me when I say I'm not bullied
easily. There are a few here who don't seem to want to take my word for
things, and example 3 was what my response was when I heard someone was
trying to bring this in as the solution to the "so-called problem". Yet
there are those who want to disparage the TSM product just because "they've
used Veritas in the past".

In turn I wanted to get input from anyone more familiar than I am to try and
squash the beast before it could worm its way in here. So far all the info I
have received supports my original opinion. Of course the problem lies in
that management is going to have to "believe" one thing or the other. The
more ammo I have, and I do have more, the better off I'll be in getting TSM
to remain the solution.

Thanks all who replied for the info,

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
E-Mail:   gillg AT saic DOT com
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

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