Antwort: Separate Domino server for restores

2003-07-29 03:14:49
Subject: Antwort: Separate Domino server for restores
From: Markus Veit <markus.veit AT SCALEON DOT DE>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 09:14:04 +0200
copy the notes.ini and the notes server id to the restore server, edit the
PATH'S in the notes ini for the TL's and  Notesdat directory to reflect your
restore servers environment.
Do as you did, edit the TDP to use the "real server" node name and point it to
the notes.ini.
Now try it again.
Note the Notes server does, and should not be running on the restore server

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Markus Veit

                                                An: ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU
                                                Thema:   Separate Domino server 
for restores
              owner-adsm-l AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU                               
              Received :  28.07.2003                                   
              Bitte antworten an "ADSM:                                
              Dist Stor Manager"                                       

How would I go about creating another Domino server for restores?? I
installed the TDP agent on another Domino server, configured the DSM.OPT
file to use the production server nodename. I can do restores, but when I
try to do an applylogs, I get ACD5769I that says I can't apply the logs.

I was trying to follow the procedures in the TDP user's guide for alternate
server restore, but it wasn't making much sense to us, as non-Domino
literates. What we need is a simple way to get this server configured so
that we can apply the logs during the activate process. They used to do this
on their production Domino server until it crashed due to a resources
shortage during an APPLYLOGS process. Now they're gun-shy and want to use a
separate server, which is what the user's guide recommends.

Bill Boyer
"Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield." - ??

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