Re: Does the Windows journal engine affect (help) ARCHIVE performance ?

2003-06-07 17:33:52
Subject: Re: Does the Windows journal engine affect (help) ARCHIVE performance ?
From: "Stapleton, Mark" <stapleto AT BERBEE DOT COM>
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 16:33:24 -0500
From: Rick Stratton [mailto:rstratton AT INFLOW DOT COM] 
> I have a Windows2000 client who has well over 5 million files that we
> ARCHIVE every week for offsite-vaulting purposes. Why we 
> don't use the TSM
> primary storage pool --> copy storage pool methodology for 
> this client would
> take a while to explain. At any rate, due to the large # of 
> files (currently
> approx 5 million) and the large size of the backup (approx 175GB), the
> ARCHIVE job takes a couple of days to complete.

You have to archive **5 million** files once a week??! I can't imagine
what kind of sane business requirements would call for that sort of
archive. Your TSM database is going to grow beyond any ability to be
managed if you keep that up.

Isn't there a way to run archives on the files that you legally or
financially need to keep, rather than shotgunning the entire
Mark Stapleton (mark.stapleton AT berbee DOT com)
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627