Re: Failed backup (Another one)

2003-05-18 06:33:47
Subject: Re: Failed backup (Another one)
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 06:33:24 -0400
>I was sent the error.log from a machine that is, all of a sudden, reporting
>Failed for its backup. Oh sure, nothing has changed, the usual story. Has
>anyone seen this error before? It looks like a permissions issue but I don't
>have access to the server to check.
>05/12/2003 18:23:12 GetRootAttrib(): for root directory F:\, Win32 rc=1005

Geoff - Your organization needs to insist that, for efficient running of the
        organization, the PC administrators make some effort to administer
the systems for which they are responsible.  A "root directory" error message
is something they should realize to be ominous, just by virtue of its text,
and something they should do some basic disk checking for.  In particular,
they should know how to look up Windows return codes and respond appropriately.

1005:  The volume does not contain a recognized file system.
       Verify that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the
       volume is not corrupted.

 Richard Sims, BU

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