Re: Backupset Volume Question

2002-08-24 19:50:45
Subject: Re: Backupset Volume Question
From: Mark Stapleton <stapleto AT BERBEE DOT COM>
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 18:52:46 -0500
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU]On Behalf Of
Mark Bertrand
> Is it possible to "q contents f=d" on a volume containing a backupset? I
> know that I can query backupsetcontents which will give me the contents of
> the backupset but what about the volume that the backupset resides on?

(Sorry, Mark. I'm about two weeks behind on my list reading.)

I believe the only thing you can write onto a backupset tape is the
backupset. If you'll do a Q LIBV on a library that contains a backupset,
you'll notice that it is labelled "backupset", much like a DBS or DBB is
labelled. Even you could run a Q CONTENT on a backupset volume, all you're
going to see is an "image" report of one backupset on the tape.

If you're trying to browse through a backupset's contents, rest assured that
there is no way to do it. I've got a customer who has tried and tried and
tried to do it in order to see if a particular file is there. I don't think
you can browse a backupset's contents from the volume any more than you can
browse a database backup's contents.

Mark Stapleton (stapleton AT berbee DOT com)
Certified TSM consultant
Certified AIX system engineer

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