7337 DLT Lib and Volume Management

2002-07-31 09:14:11
Subject: 7337 DLT Lib and Volume Management
From: Theresa Sarver <IFMC.tsarver AT SDPS DOT ORG>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 09:11:44 -0400

TSM Environment:
7337 DLT lib
AIX 4.3.3 ML10
TSM 4.2.1

Anyone out there know anything about the 7337 DLT libs?  I have worked 
extensively with the 3570's but not DLTs...My question is that there are 10 
magazine in the front of the lib that contains 10 tapes.  However, there is 
something in back called "Fixed Cells" and there are 5 tapes in these cells - 
so the library is housing 15 tapes total...however when I do a 'q libv'  I only 
see 13 tapes.  Also, my 'q libv' and 'q vol' don't match up - for instance the 
'q vol' shows a tape (DSM010) as empty, however, the 'q libv' doesn't even show 
the tape in the library.  ???  Does TSM write to these "Fixed Cell" tapes as 
well? - Or just the 10 tapes in the Magazine?

Lastly, the compression setting (if there is one) doesn't appear to be correct. 
 These tapes are 35/70GB, however I only have 2 tapes out of 9 that are getting 
70GB - the rest are getting around 35GB (q vol).  Anyone know of where I can 
look to resolve this issue?

Here is some more data which I hope will help:

The following tapes are located inside the 7337 Magazine:
015, 016, 002, 017, 004, 005, 006, 018, 008, 009

The next 5 cartridges are located in the 5 "Fixed Cells":
010, 011, 012, 013, 014


q vol:

Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct  
                          Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util  
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ----- 
DSM004                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS    70,000.0   22.0 
DSM004                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS    70,000.0   22.0 
DSM006                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS    38,991.2   98.0   
DSM008                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS    38,574.2   62.6   
DSM009                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS    70,000.0   66.8 
DSM010                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS         0.0    0.0  
DSM011                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS    31,799.3   71.4   
DSM014                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS    33,817.9   46.9   
DSM016                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS    38,772.4   48.4   
DSM018                    DLTPOOL      AUTOCLASS         0.0    0.0  

q libv:

Library Name   Volume Name   Status       Owner        Last Use    Home
------------   -----------   ----------   ----------   ---------  
AUTOLIB        DSM002        Scratch                               2   
AUTOLIB        DSM002        Scratch                               2   
AUTOLIB        DSM004        Private                   Data        4   
AUTOLIB        DSM006        Private                   Data        6   
AUTOLIB        DSM008        Private                   Data        8   
AUTOLIB        DSM009        Private                   Data        9   
AUTOLIB        DSM011        Private                   Data        11  
AUTOLIB        DSM012        Scratch                               12  
AUTOLIB        DSM013        Private                   Data        13  
AUTOLIB        DSM014        Private                   Data        14  
AUTOLIB        DSM015        Private                   DbBackup    0   
AUTOLIB        DSM016        Private                   Data        1   
AUTOLIB        DSM017        Private                   DbBackup    3   
AUTOLIB        DSM018        Private                   Data        7   

Thanks for your assistance;
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