Re: rollforward vs. normal mode

2002-07-26 16:01:17
Subject: Re: rollforward vs. normal mode
From: "Kelly J. Lipp" <lipp AT STORSOL DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 13:59:38 -0700

Thanks.  Excellent.  Ditto.

While on the "How about his Tivoli" bandwagon: multi-stream TSM database
backup (and restore, but let's walk before we run...).  The TSM database has
become much more stable and capable of being larger.  Therefore, we're
routinely seeing databases approaching 100 GB (once unheard of).  At 40
GB/hour (typical tape speed) that's two.5 hours to backup the db.  And only
one of those hundreds of tape drives are running!  Let's put those tape
drives to work!

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
lipp AT storsol DOT com or kelly.lipp AT storserver DOT com or
Fax: (240)539-7175

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