Re: checkin & label scratch volumes

2002-07-03 12:03:35
Subject: Re: checkin & label scratch volumes
From: Joe Pendergast <jpendergast AT WATSONPHARM DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 09:00:29 -0700
The "label libv" command is required on first use of the tapes.  It must load
the tape into the drive and write a header label to the tape.  Agreed this is
slow, but it serves a purpose.  It is done for those times where the barcode
reader may slip.  If the barcode cannot be read, the label is read from the
tape. Under normal operation, TSM uses the barcode to load the tape and then
verifies the tape header for a second verification before using the tape.

Robert Ouzen <rouzen AT UNIV.HAIFA.AC DOT IL> on 07/03/2002 04:30:22 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU>

cc:    (bcc: Joseph Pendergast/Corona/Watson)

Subject:  checkin & label scratch volumes


I have a scalar 1000 library and need to add a lot of new scratch volumes.
Can I do just a:
                checkin libv scalar status=scratch search=bulk

or I need the first time to do:
              label libv scalar checkin=scratch search=bulk
labelsource=barcode volrange=000001,000050

When I did  a label libv each cartridge  was mounted in the drive and the
process can take a long time.

Regards  Robert Ouzen