Re: recovery log and ckpt

2002-05-17 10:35:04
Subject: Re: recovery log and ckpt
From: Sung Y Lee <sunglee AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 09:34:33 -0500
There are many methods to deal with your recovery log being filled up.
I would suggested that first make sure no other processes are running
(expiration, reclaimation, and etc).
I don't know if you are already using  dbbackuptrigger.  If you are not
using then setup  dbbackuptrigger so that when the log reaches a certain
point, TSM kicks off a backup of database(which should clear the log).

What happens after a database backup and/or an incremental database backup
and the log utilization does not drop?  This is when CKPT command can come
in handy.  Undocumented command CKPT can be used to reset the log
utilization, but may not work for all situations. The cause according to
TSM is the log tail does not get reset by the checkpoint operation that is
performed as part of the database backup process when running in
roll-forward mode.
Supposely this is supposed to be fix in TSM version 4.1.5 which is what you
have.  Personally I have seen recovery log utilization not dropping after
an incremental backup and issuing of CKPT in version 4.1.5  So, it is
possible that something else is pinning the recovery log .. which I don't
believe TSM has any solution for and appears to be on going issue.

If all fails consider going to Normal mode.

Sung Y. Lee
E-mail sunglee AT DOT com

                      chris rees
                      <rees_chris@HOTMA        To:       ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST 
                      IL.COM>                  cc:
                      Sent by: "ADSM:          Subject:  recovery log and ckpt
                      Dist Stor
                      <[email protected]

                      05/17/2002 08:36
                      Please respond to
                      "ADSM: Dist Stor

Hi all

Firstly let me thank those who helped me out last night getting my server
back up after the recovery log filled.....much better than IBM support...!

I have found the culprit that caused the log to fill.  It seems that when
the incremental backups are running for a win2k cluster the log gets
to at approx 2.2Gb an hour.  The incremental didn't even backup that much
data, in terms of size but I guess there must have been loads of small
in there.

The problem I have now is, how can I back up this cluster if it is going to
fill the recovery log everytime. The log is 5196 Mb so cannot grow much
bigger, alas we're on 4.1.5 Server and yes I've made management aware that
we need to upgrade to take advantage of the new recovery log size features.

Looking back through people have mentioned the ckpt command.  Does
anyone know how well this works in rollforward mode??

Many Thanks again


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