I/O error reading label of volume in drive 3580

2002-04-12 11:08:20
Subject: I/O error reading label of volume in drive 3580
From: Henrry Aranda <harango AT HOTMAIL DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 10:08:32 -0500

I have a tape drive 3580 and TSM in NT. When I do a restore with two
tapes I receive the following message:

ANR8326I 001: Mount LTO volume TSM001 R/W in drive LTO (\\.\TAPE0) of =
library LTOLIB within 118 minutes.=20

ANR8335I 001: Verifying label of LTO volume TSM001 in drive LTO =

ANR8353E 001: I/O error reading label of volume in drive LTO =

ANR8326I 001: Mount LTO volume TSM001 R/W in drive LTO (\\.\TAPE0) of =
library LTOLIB within 118 minutes.=20

The other tapes are working without problems. Has someone any suggestion?
its a problem with the TSM version or with the 3580 LTO?

Henry Aranda

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