Re: TSM SQL Script

2002-03-21 06:36:11
Subject: Re: TSM SQL Script
From: robert <robert AT PLCS DOT NL>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 07:38:49 -0500

you can try this one...
Checks volumes of a NODE_NAME per storage pool Primairy and Copy.

/*  -------------------------------------------*/
/*  Script Name: Q_NODE_VOL                    */
/*  Description: Query node for volumes        */
/*               occupancy                     */
/*  Parameter:   NODENAME                      */
/*  Example:     run q_node_vol nodename       */
/*  -------------------------------------------*/
select distinct volumeusage.volume_name as "Online Vol.",
volumes.pct_utilized as "%", -
volumes.est_capacity_mb as "Est. Cap", volumes.PCT_RECLAIM as "%
Reclaim" from volumeusage, -
volumes where volumeusage.volume_name=volumes.volume_name and
node_name=upper('$1') -
and volumeusage.stgpool_name in ( select distinct stgpool_name from
volumes where -
stgpool_name in (select distinct stgpool_name from stgpools where
pooltype='PRIMARY' -
and devclass<>'DISK') ) order by volume_name
select distinct volumeusage.volume_name as "Offline Vol.",
volumes.pct_utilized as "%", -
volumes.est_capacity_mb as "Est. Cap", volumes.location as "Location"
from volumeusage, -
volumes where volumeusage.volume_name=volumes.volume_name and
node_name=upper('$1') and -
volumeusage.stgpool_name in (select distinct stgpool_name from volumes
where stgpool_name -
in (select distinct stgpool_name from stgpools where pooltype='COPY'
and devclass<>'DISK') ) -
order by volume_name


> Yep, I am an SQL newbie, but some help would be nice.
> The script at the bottom terminates with this message:
>   ANR2938E The column 'VOLUME_NAME' is not allowed in this context;
it must
> either be named in the GROUP BY clause or be nested within an
> function.
> and points to the left(volume_name, 8) portion of the query.  I have
> with it
> and still get this message.  Could someone please explain why this is
> occuring and
> how I can fix my script?
> TIA ... Jack
> /* Tape-Volumes */
> /* Listing is for all known nodes, and the tape volumes required to
do a
> restore */
> set sqldatetimeformat i
> set sqldisplaymode w
> set sqlmathmode r
> commit
> select distinct copy_type, left(node_name, 12), -
>    left(volume_name, 8), left(stgpool_name, 16) -
>   from adsm.volumeusage  -
>   group by node_name, copy_type
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