ERROR 1329 TSM Citrix problems by installing unter NT4.0

2002-01-22 16:51:53
Subject: ERROR 1329 TSM Citrix problems by installing unter NT4.0
From: NKM-Solutions <nkm.martin AT T-ONLINE DOT DE>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 22:52:18 +0100
Hello TSMer*

I had last week tries to install the new TSM 4.2.19 client on a NT4.0 SP6.

The customer uses the Microsoft Terminal Software Edition for Citrix 1.8 +
SP1 Hotfix.

If I try to install the client and I am when administrator registered more
I receive the following error message:

ERROR 1329 favorites is need avaite short field.

Which surroundings I need for this Citrix installation, the client shall,
however, be installed
only on the server and not on all other user profiles.

Has made experiences like somebody?


Norbert Martin
High End Storage Consultant
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