Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?

2015-10-04 17:13:41
Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
From: Kai Hintze [mailto:kai_hintze AT ALBERTSONS DOT COM]
NT easier to use? Surely you jest. How can something be easier to
use when you can't administer it without a mouse, and you need
a high speed connection and 3rd party software to administer it
remotely at all?


>Date:    Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:23:04 -0500
>From:    "Remeta, Mark" <MRemeta AT SELIGMANDATA DOT COM>
>Subject: Re: TSM Server on Windows - Does it work?
>If I had a choice between unix and nt I would choose nt every time.
>It's much easier to use and the much ballyhooed performance gained
>by using unix is not that great.

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