Re: Tape Reclamation

2002-01-17 05:35:45
Subject: Re: Tape Reclamation
From: Marc Lowers <Marc.R.Lowers AT GSK DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 10:32:22 +0000
I guess your reclaiming tapes from an offsite pool.  Do you run a select
statement first? Query which tapes you'll need to reclaim from a certain
percentage of reclaimable space.

something like...

select volume_name from volumes where stgpool_name='POOLNAME' and

then check all the tapes into the library once onsite and kick off reclaim
on that stgpool.


"Karen Mikacenic" <karen.mikacenic AT UNIGARD DOT COM>

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU>
16-Jan-2002 19:17
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU>

        To:     ADSM-L

        Subject:        Tape Reclamation

When a tape reclamation starts for tape 000025, the volume is mounted into
the drive, but ADSM also requests the mounting of tape 000020 which is not
in the library (manually marked unavailable).  It is extremely difficult
reclaim tapes without knowing what tapes are associated to each other.  I
think this is happening when a file is written across tapes.  Is there a
easy way to know what tapes are needed to reclaim one tape?  I would
if there was not a spanning/association across tapes so that when tape
000025 was reclaimable, it could be reclaimed without requiring tape
A lot of tapes do not get reclaimed because of this.  Does everyone have
this problem or is it something peculiar to me.  I run  ADSM Server for
Windows NT Version 3 Release 1 Level 2.30 on NT 4.0 SP4.   Here is the
activity log:

01/16/2002 05:00:26   ANR0984I Process 814 for SPACE RECLAMATION started
                       BACKGROUND at 05:00:26.

01/16/2002 05:00:26   ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume

                       storage pool BKTAPPOOL (process number 814).

01/16/2002 05:00:26   ANR1044I Removable volume 000020 is required for


01/16/2002 05:00:26   ANR1044I Removable volume 000025 is required for


01/16/2002 05:00:26   ANR8324I DLT volume 000020 is expected to be mounted


01/16/2002 05:00:26   ANR8324I DLT volume 000025 is expected to be mounted


01/16/2002 07:55:22   ANR1420W Read access denied for volume 000020 -

                       access mode = "unavailable".

01/16/2002 07:55:22   ANR0986I Process 814 for SPACE RECLAMATION running
                       BACKGROUND processed 44399 items for a total of

                       18,477,974,075 bytes with a completion state of
                       at 07:55:22.

01/16/2002 07:55:22   ANR1081W Space reclamation terminated for volume
000025 -
                       storage media inaccessible.

The tapes look like this:

Volume Name 000025
Storage Pool Name       BKTAPPOOL
Device Class Name DLT7000
Estimated Capacity (MB) 106160.8
Pct Util 22.2
Volume Status FULL
Pct. Reclaimable Space 78.0
Scratch Volume? Yes
In Error State? No
Approx. Date Last Written 2002-01-08 21:43:28.000000
Approx. Date Last Read   2002-01-16 07:00:54.000000
Last Update Date/Time    2002-01-07 21:24:10.000000

Volume Name      000020
Storage Pool Name BKTAPPOOL
Device Class Name DLT7000
Estimated Capacity (MB) 76014.9
Pct Util 97.5
Volume Status FULL
Pct. Reclaimable Space 2.4
Scratch Volume? Yes
In Error State? No
Number of Writable Sides 1
Number of Times Mounted 9
Write Pass Number 1
Approx. Date Last Written 2002-01-08 05:32:02.000000
Approx. Date Last Read 2002-01-07 12:52:12.000000

I would appreciate any suggestions.  Thank you

Karen Mikacenic -TSG
425 945 5137
425 562 5257 (fax)
karen.mikacenic AT unigard DOT com
Unigard Insurance
15805 NE 24th St.
Bellevue, WA  98008
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