Re: Urgent:Very long time for backup

2001-12-19 16:33:21
Subject: Re: Urgent:Very long time for backup
From: Miles Purdy <PURDYM AT FIPD.GC DOT CA>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 15:29:54 -0600
I would try:

backing up to disk first (disk pool)
or backup to multiple tape drives at once. How many tape drives to you have?
collocate by filespace might help (but I'm not sure for P & T)
tune your TSM database (what is your server?)
make multiple volumes on your NetWare server or you could try the virtual mount 
point option
make sure your NetWare server has enough CPU and memory
what is LAN connection to your TSM server?
check the RESOURCEUTILIZATION parameter of the client, as well as 
TCPBuffersize, TCPWindowSize, TCPNODELAY, TXNBytelimit
check the number of mount points for the node:
tsm: UNXR>q node unxp f=d

                     Node Name: UNXP
                      Platform: AIX
               Client OS Level: 4.3
                Client Version: Version 4, Release 1, Level 3.0
             Keep Mount Point?: No
  Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 6

why don't you use hardware compression? Software (compression) is definitely 
not what you want.

You are right about the performance could be better:
Here is AIX Client that is tune well (I hope!):
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4952I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total number of 
   objects inspected:  135 487                              
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4954I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total number of 
   objects backed up:    2 309                              
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4958I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total number of 
   objects updated:          0                              
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4960I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total number of 
   objects rebound:          0                              
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4957I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total number of 
   objects deleted:          0                              
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4970I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total number of 
    objects expired:     13 138                              
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4959I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total number of 
   objects failed:           0                              
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4961I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Total number of 
   bytes transferred:    60.53 GB                           
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4963I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Data transfer 
time:   8 261.61 sec                              
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4966I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Network data    
   transfer rate:        7 682.73 KB/sec                    
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4967I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Aggregate data  
  transfer rate:      12 445.33 KB/sec                     
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4968I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Objects 
compressed     by:                    0%                                
12/19/01   14:25:28      ANE4964I (Session: 14442, Node: UNXP)  Elapsed 
processing   time:            01:25:00                                

PS: Does any one else have the Aggregate exceed the Network transfer rate? This 
seems odd, but I think that the multiple streams to the server account for the 
apparent discrepancy.


Miles Purdy 
Miles Purdy 
System Manager
Farm Income Programs Directorate
Winnipeg, MB, CA
purdym AT fipd.gc DOT ca
ph: (204) 984-1602 fax: (204) 983-7557

"If you hold a UNIX shell up to your ear, can you hear the C?"
>>> rouzen AT UNIV.HAIFA.AC DOT IL 18-Dec-01 4:15:35 AM >>>
>>> rouzen AT UNIV.HAIFA.AC DOT IL 18-Dec-01 4:15:35 AM >>>
 I had a Netware 4.1 with TSM Client backing directly on Scalar
1000 (DLT8000). I run a full backup and the process took so long **..

12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4952I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Total
number of objects inspected:   61,078         
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4954I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Total
number of objects backed up:   60,985         
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4958I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Total
number of objects updated:          0         
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4960I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Total
number of objects rebound:          0         
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4957I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Total
number of objects deleted:          0         
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4970I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Total
number of objects expired:          0         
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4959I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Total
number of objects failed:           7         
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4961I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Total
number of bytes transferred:     5.82 GB      
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4963I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Data
transfer time:                1,465.86 sec     
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4966I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Network
data transfer rate:        4,168.04 KB/sec  
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4967I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)
Aggregate data transfer rate:        249.11 KB/sec  
12/18/2001 09:18:58 ANE4968I (Session: 1220, Node: DRM_HAIFA-MAINT)  Objects
compressed by:                    0%        

The transfer time and transfer rate looks O.K but look to the Aggregate
data transfer rate !!!!

No compress involve * Any idea how can I improve this process  

Thanks in Advance

Robert Ouzen
E-Mail: rouzen AT DOT il
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