volumes again

2001-12-17 23:55:37
Subject: volumes again
From: "Gill, Geoffrey L." <GEOFFREY.L.GILL AT SAIC DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 20:52:21 -0800
I'm hoping this is related to the install of a new library section today. It
sure looks like the problems I was seeing with the version of TSM i had a
month ago with all the tape problems. I'm up to now on AIX.

The volume U00749 is actually out of the library, in the vault and DRM shows
it that way. I have no clue as to why it says "storage media inaccessible"
when it's suppose to be. The dismount failure is the problem I was seeing
before I got the fix in

12/17/01 19:36:22     ANR1044I Removable volume U00057 is required for space


12/17/01 19:37:10     ANR8469E Dismount of 3590 volume U00057 from drive
                       (/dev/rmt4) in library 3494LIB failed.

12/17/01 19:37:10     ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume U00057 -

12/17/01 19:37:10     ANR0986I Process 15 for SPACE RECLAMATION running in
                       BACKGROUND processed 114196 items for a total of

                       13,774,896,709 bytes with a completion state of
                       at 19:37:10.

12/17/01 19:37:10     ANR1081W Space reclamation terminated for volume
U00749 -
                       storage media inaccessible.

12/17/01 19:37:10     ANR1042I Space reclamation for storage pool
                       will be retried in 60 seconds.

Hopefully not "here we go again".......

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
E-Mail:   gillg AT saic DOT com
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (888) 997-9614
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