Re: Can't empty diskpool volumes!?!

2001-11-26 11:08:24
Subject: Re: Can't empty diskpool volumes!?!
From: Bill Colwell <bcolwell AT DRAPER DOT COM>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:55:56 -0500
I suspect there are many different database wounds that can cause this
problem, since many people have suggested different solutions.
If none of them work, here is my different solution.

Mark the volumes 'destroyed' and then do restore volume.
To mark them destroyed you have to vary them offline with the tsm 'vary'
command.  This is what worked for me.  Fortunately all the copypool
volumes were still onsite.  If the restore works the volumes will be deleted,
if it doesn't you can vary them back online and try something else.

Bill Colwell
Bill Colwell
C. S. Draper Lab
Cambridge, Ma.
bcolwell AT draper DOT com
In <59C645F3B051D311A4680000832FE2D40752AA15 AT x0f0000.ex.klm DOT nl>, on 
In <59C645F3B051D311A4680000832FE2D40752AA15 AT x0f0000.ex.klm DOT nl>, on 
   at 10:55 AM, "Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM" <Eric-van.Loon AT KLM DOT COM> said:

>Hi *SM-ers!
>I'm moving my diskpool to new disks.
>I added the new disks to the diskpool and I updated the old disk volumes to
>read-only. Then I started a move data to empty the old volumes. The move
>data works fine, but at the end (with a completion state of SUCCESS) there
>is still data left on the volumes! I can't get rid of this data and thus I
>can't delete the old volumes!
>Does anybody know how to solve this?
>Thanks in advance for any reply!!!
>BTW: I'm running TSM 3.7.4 on AIX
>Kindest regards,
>Eric van Loon
>KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

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