Re: TDP for oracle and data growth.

2001-11-14 04:31:33
Subject: Re: TDP for oracle and data growth.
From: Matthew Large <matthew.large AT PHOENIXSM DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 13:26:40 -0000
Hi Finn,

TDP for ORACLE for UNIX (and probably windows) states that all the files
generated have unique names. further down (pg 35/36) it states VERED and
RETO must be set to zero, and that the frequency, verexists, retextra, mode
and serialisation parameters are completely ignored.

You must remove them manually using the RMAN script. And ensure the node
setting for backdelete=yes on the server. look in the manual for more
detailed instructions.

hope this helps!


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