Re: unavailable volume with content backup data...

2001-10-17 05:02:43
Subject: Re: unavailable volume with content backup data...
From: "Bazuin R. (Ronald)" <Ronald.Bazuin AT NL.FORTIS DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 10:59:57 +0200
Try this,

Upd vol volumename acces=readonly
Move data volumename stgpool=stgpool_where_volume_belongs_to

Then remove the corrupted volumewith the following command:

Checkout libv libraryname volumename checklabel=no remove=no_or_bulk (it
depends of what kind of tapelibrary you use)

If this doesn't work because of read errors, then you have to restore the
original tape with the following command:

Restore volume volumename preview=yes

Then you will find in the actlog wich volumes the restore needs to have. So
you take care that the needed tapes are in the library and then you run the
next command:

Restore volume volumename preview=no

Good luck,

Ronald Bazuin

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